People approach us all the time and are always looking for that secret method to success. “How did you do it?” Surely it was due to luck. Was it a matter of the right timing? Being in the next best thing early enough?
I am here to squash those questions of the limited thinkers and give it to you straight. The gloves are off. Here are some of the things that you really should be doing if you want to make it big IN ANYTHING.
Be Reliable.
If people can not count on you. They will not want to build a relationship with you. If they do not want to build a relationship with you. You have no business. It is so simple. Show up to the appointments you say you are going to be at. Follow through on what you said you were going to do. Don’t be so swayed by what outside influences. Be a person of your word.
Know what you want.
We recently had Anthony Robbins no.1 facilitator; home-grown Aussie boy Scott Harris, speak at one of our events. His main message was about figuring out what your values are. Without a concrete vision of what your values you – you will struggle to make good decisions. Life is full of opportunities, adventure, mysteries, growth, pain & wonder. It’s all part and parcel of the journey. Without a crystal clear vision of the direction you are heading in – you will be procrastinating your whole way through life and never learn to take risks on the things you could find passion in. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Get Comfortable at uncomfortable conversations.
Confrontation!!! Yes! It is the heartbeat to your personal development. Your height of success will come down to the amount of uncomfortable conversations you are willing to have. Now, don’t mistake what I am saying here. I am not talking about rude, hurtful, unnecessary confrontation. I am talking about the kind of conversations that challenge you. Don’t hide behind your phone when someone is calling you. Be comfortable enough in your own skin that you can say “No” to someone else. Or rather, be able to stand up for yourself. As well as caring enough about someone else that you are open to challenging them on some negative beliefs that are holding them back in life. Man up. Have the conversations in life that give you sweaty palms!
Take on Feedback.
I have a secret I don’t like to share with many people…… Shhh…. I’m not perfect…. There you go, I said it! Don’t tell me husband!! I am not perfect. By far actually. I make mistakes ALL.THE.TIME! When I was single. I was never aware of these mistakes because I only lived with myself and myself always agrees with myself. Because all my decisions, are based on self. Haha. Funny that right? So when I started living with Dom, all of a sudden, someone was pointing out to me all these flaws and habits that I had that weren’t healthy. To be fair – I had fun pointing his out in retaliation. But my point is, if you don’t allow people to give you feedback, You will never know what people’s view of you, actually is. I know people who are the sweetest personalities in the world and they think people don’t like them. Then, you have the opposite side of the spectrum with really loud arrogant personalities that think everyone loves them! Take on feedback. It will help you grow and make sure you are operating from a level of higher understanding of yourself and others.
Get off you butt and do whatever it takes to achieve the things you want in life. Stop bargaining with the price tag. Just go out there and make sure that everyday you give it all you got. Open yourself up to new things. Listen to others who have gone before you. Read, listen, associate and then apply. We have so much information available to us in todays age. Have you ever wondered why with so much information available – everyone is not SLIM, RICH & HAPPY? Apply the knowledge. Don’t stop until its done. Do the work.
Do we really need to talk about luck now?
Nice work Mrs Mac#2